Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hillary Melting

It's sad seeing Hillary's campaign melt before our eyes--before the realities of the campaign she was certain that she would be the winner. Too certain, of course. Many mistakes. The biggest, having Bill campaign with her. I cringe every time I see him--he sucks all the light out of the room. She should have sent him off to Pago Pago for the duration. She has never expressed any doubt or regret for voting in the Senate to empower Bush to make war in Iraq, and her close ties to enormously powerful commercial interests here are hurting her campaign. She says she'll create an "affordable" health insurance program for all--but what that means is keeping the huge insurance companies in the picture and they of course have given her millions for her campaign. People here know their voices haven't been listened to, whether in protest marches, letter writing campaigns, callling their representatives in Washington. But today they do have a method to show how they feel, and it's the vote. By the end of the evening I think we'll see that for once being a voter really does count for something.

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