Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sparrows, Meadowlarks, and Bobwhites Are Disappearing in the Millions

Millions of sparrows, meadowlarks, bobwhites, grackles, and other common species of birds have gone missing in these United States. The Audabon Society has announced this and the Times reported it today. It's true when you think about it that we no longer in Grangerburg hear the sweet sound of the bob white or see the occasional pheasant poking in the brush. Grackles I never liked, but now they've gone missing I grieve for their loss. First the bees, and now the birds are leaving us. Soon we will awaken to silence instead of to the lilting sounds of birdsong in the trees. Factory agriculture and sprawling developments and poisoned air are some of the reasons for our bird loss. The 21st century is turning out not to be that glimmering future we once thought was in store for us.

For the Times article, "Millions of Birds Missing in Plain Sight go to : http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/19/opinion/19tue4.html

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