Saturday, May 12, 2007

Willie Nelson for Secretary of State?

A clip from Welcome to Pottersville []

"From his endless faux pas to the deliberate alienation and inevitable guilt-by-association suffered by our allies, George W. Bush has proved to be America’s Mrs. O’Leary’s cow and the presidential candidates of both parties had better give some serious, pre-emptive thought as to how to go about repairing these crucial international relationships should they get elected.

"Last Monday’s Marx Brothers night at the opera with QE II was a mild but classic example. On top of praising a figurehead monarch for her “leadership” in our trying times and getting her age wrong by a century and a half either accidentally or deliberately, Bush didn’t even think a rare visit from the Queen of England herself merited a white tie and tails. If one had a flair for the poetic, they could easily see in the crowned Queen a Lady Liberty extremely aged and wearied by this administration.

"The new and official 43rd president, especially if s/he is a Democrat, will have to deal not only with wary and alienated allies and tyrants expectant of the same deferential treatment but also equally wary right wing nut jobs like John Howard, Canada’s Stephen Harper, Mexico’s Calderon and now France’s Sarkozy.

"Add to the mix Iran’s and Iraq’s leadership, Hugo Chavez and other avowed enemies made during Bush’s reign of error (to borrow a phrase from Krugman) and it’s easy to see that the next president won’t have as many ready-made friends in the international community. Obviously, the incoming administration had better choose a kickass Secretary of State, someone with the knowledge of a Kissinger, the wisdom of King Solomon and the likeability of a Willie Nelson."

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