Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Lara Logan

Do you follow the war? It sure does preoccupy me--perhaps because I grew up in wartime. Never for a moment did I believe we needed to go into Iraq. I thought it was an appalling mistake right from the get-go. It's wrong to cross another country's sovereign borders unless it's in our own self-defense. Our govt. bamboozled most Americans--played on fears and said that Saddam had WMD and was responsible for 9/11. I read a report yesterday on the economic cost of this war--as opposed to the human cost, which is terrible. The billions we've spent so far would have paid for a rapid transit station in every town and city in the U.S. Or that money would support a universal health system in this country. Rapid transit could be part of the answer to curtailing global warming, even though it's too late to stop it, the experts say. We're not even being taxed for this war. The government is borrowing the money--from China and other countries--and our children and theirs will still be paying it back long after we're gone.

Here's a link to Lara Logan who reports regularly from Iraq for CBS. She is talking to a pundit on the Washington Post.


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