On a snowy, blustery day in February, at General Hospital Medical Center in Akron, Ohio overlooking Summit Lake and the edge of the Village Green in Kenmore:
Noah Michael Young
entered the world today at 9:22 a.m. at a very sturdy ten pounds, 11ounces. Parents Julia and Drew and grandparents Phil and Kim are ecstatic while their relatives and friends rejoice in their happiness. Pink, plump, and healthy, Noah cooed and chuckled and uttered not one cry while visitors milled around the very first room he has ever seen. He's a very contented little chap, warmly wrapped in his blanket,
happy to be out in the light and blissfully unaware of what kind of a world he has entered. Within an hour he had polished off half a bottle of formula and seemed to know exactly what he was doing. This little nearly eleven-pounder arrived having already outgrown first-size baby clothes and I came home and unraveled the baby blanket I was half way through knitting and have started another with more stitches on the needle.
More later with picture
Friday, February 23, 2007
New Arrival on Planet Earth: Noah Michael Young
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Democratic Candidates at Carson City Event Today Impressed Me
Edwards was strong and confident., Byden quite appealing, and Kucinich surprisingly moving and convincing, especially with his plea for universal health coverage now! Not baby steps, as he called it, as offered by the governors. And no ties to health insurance corporations. He ended by sticking out his arms horizontally and saying, "No strings, no strings, no strings." Richardson was disappointing. He seemed slightly nervous. But where was Obama, I wondered. Not there. Nevertheless, they were an impressive bunch. Nobody could call them "The Seven Dwarfs," the title given to the Democratic candidates running in 1988 and from whom came Michael Dukakis!
Hillary Must Listen to the Blogosphere Voices of Readon
Excerpt that follows from Amy Goodman's latest column presses the point that other distinguished members of Congress in 2003 knew then what Hillary professes not to have known. Goodman has impeccable feminist credentials going back decades. However, these don't precipitate her into giving Hilary a blank check endorsement. Voters today want straight-talking candidates who own up to their mistakes and live up to the responsibility of working on the voters' behalf.
"Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., fought the resolution authorizing the use of force in Iraq. He said the president wants "to have the power to launch this nation into war without provocation and without clear evidence of an imminent attack on the United States, and we're going to be foolish enough to give it to him." Byrd seems to have known then what Clinton says she knows now. He called the resolution "dangerous" and a "blank check," and now, with more than 3,145 U.S. soldiers killed, and with Iraq War costs through 2008 projected at more than $1 trillion, it appears he was right.
"Reps. Barbara Lee and Lynn Woolsey also seemed to know then what Clinton says she knows now. They were lauded by the 50 activists who, on Jan. 30, 2007, occupied Clinton's Senate office, weaving a web with pink yarn "to symbolize the senator's web of deception and the innocent people - Americans and Iraqis - caught in it." Protesters have promised to "bird-dog" Clinton at all of her public appearances. These actions recall the student sit-in at Clinton's New York office on Oct. 10, 2002, while Clinton stood on the Senate floor and made her case for war.
Sen. Clinton has drawn the line in the sand over Iraq. She will not admit that her vote to authorize Bush to use military force in a unilateral, unprovoked war based on lies was a mistake. She is open to a military strike on Iran. Her latest message to voters: "There are others to choose from." Anti-war voters already know that, and are lining up behind candidates Barack Obama, John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich and, perhaps before long, Ralph Nader.
Amy Goodman is a nationally syndicated columnist who appears in The Union.
Our "Worst 10" Senators
Empowering Veterans, a PAC founded in 2006, is targeting senators who consistently vote against the interests of veterans. It goes without saying they also have a sorry record on many other issues including the current war.
Ralph Parrot, the founder of Empowering Veterans, gives his list of ten in The Daily Kos today. Below is an excerpt from his column. So far. nearly 400 comments have appeared.
"Worst 10" Senators List Unveiled
by Ralph Parrott
Tue Feb 20, 2007 at 06:27:12 AM PST
Empowering Veterans, Inc. Unveils its "Worst 10" list of incumbent Senators up for reelection in 2008. These people are very pious in the "Support the Troops" rhetoric, but most hypocritical when it comes to voting to support members of the Armed Forces and their families and veterans and their families.
- Ralph Parrott's diary :: ::
Empowering Veterans Unveils it "Worst 10" List of Senators
My name is Ralph Parrott. I am a 65 year old retired Navy Supply Corps Captain and retired businessman from Fairfax Station, Virginia. I served in the US Navy from March 1963 until September of 1990, over 27 years.
. . .
I started the PAC, Empowering Veterans, Inc., during the 2006 Senate campaign in Virginia in support of Jim Webb’s candidacy against George Allen. I decided the best way to support Jim Webb was to expose the voting record of George Allen on issues relating to members of the Armed Forces and their families and veterans and their families. As I researched George Allen’s record I became shocked at the difference between his lofty rhetoric of "Support the Troops" and the reality of his actual record. As I dug deeper I came to realize that George Allen was not alone in establishing a record of deceit and hypocrisy when it comes to really "Supporting the Troops". Indeed, his sorry record is shared by a large portion of his Republican colleagues.
Learning this, I decided to devote the time from now until the election of 2008 to exposing the "Worst 10" incumbent Senators up for reelection in 2008. As I watched the Republicans tie the US Senate in knots last week in order to avoid a debate about on the wisdom of the President’s troop surge in Irag I was struck by the sheer hypocrisy of many members of the "Worst 10" club as they piously implored their colleagues to "Support the Troops". A cursory view of their sorry voting records puts their rhetoric in sharp relief of where they really stand. Namely, there is always money for tax cuts for the wealthy, tax giveaways for the corporations, and no bind contractors for insiders, but when it comes to mental health care soldiers, head trauma research, or support for military families the budget is somehow constrained. The "Worst 10" on issues relating to members of the Armed Forces and their families and veterans and their families are:
Alexander of Tennessee
Chambliss of Georgia
Cochran of Mississippi
Coleman of Minnesota
Cornyn of Texas
Dole of North Carolina
Graham of South Carolina
Roberts of Kansas
Sessions of Alabama
Sunnunu of New Hampshire
Empowering Veterans’s strategy for the next election cycle is very simple.
- We will track ("Bird Dog") each target incumbent’s voting record on issues relating to members of the Armed Forces their families and veterans and their families.
- We will maintain that record on our website, www.empoweringveterans.org.
- We will recruit volunteers in each targeted state to conduct Letters to the Editor campaigns to keep each incumbent’s record of deceit and hypocrisy constantly before his or her constituents.
- We will encourage veterans to run against these incumbents.
- We will raise money to support those veterans that do run against these incumbents.
For full text visit Ralph Parrot's Diary, link given abovve
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Hilary Must Say She Regrets Her Vote
Some would say this is no time for "dissing" the only woman running for President. But I would say the primary season is the right time. As we move up to the primary elections, Democrats not only have the right to criticize their primary candidates but to hold their feet to the fire, to put them in the crucible, so that the outcome will produce the best woman or man to oppose the other party's contender. If Hilary does become our candidate, then we will back her with all our might--because the thought of another Republican presidency is anathema to us. In the meantime, she must speak out honestly to the American people. Recently Paul Krugman expressed concerns about Clinton's refusal to admit that her vote was wrong: Following are excerpts:
"Many people are perplexed by the uproar over Senator Hillary Clinton’s refusal to say, as former Senator John Edwards has, that she was wrong to vote for the Iraq war resolution. Why is it so important to admit past error? And yes, it was an error — she may not have intended to cast a vote for war, but the fact is the resolution did lead to war; she may not have believed that President Bush would abuse the power he was granted, but the fact is he did.
The answer can be summed up in two words: heckuva job.
"For the last six years we have been ruled by men who are pathologically incapable of owning up to mistakes. And this pathology has had real, disastrous consequences.
"The experience of Bush-style governance, together with revulsion at the way Karl Rove turned refusal to admit error into a political principle, is the main reason those now-famous three words from Mr. Edwards — “I was wrong” — matter so much to the Democratic base.
"Many people are perplexed by the uproar over Senator Hillary Clinton’s refusal to say, as former Senator John Edwards has, that she was wrong to vote for the Iraq war resolution. Why is it so important to admit past error? And yes, it was an error — she may not have intended to cast a vote for war, but the fact is the resolution did lead to war; she may not have believed that President Bush would abuse the power he was granted, but the fact is he did.
"The answer can be summed up in two words: heckuva job. Or, if you want a longer version: Medals of Freedom to George Tenet, who said Saddam had W.M.D., Tommy Franks, who failed to secure Iraq, and Paul Bremer, who botched the occupation.
For the last six years we have been ruled by men who are pathologically incapable of owning up to mistakes. And this pathology has had real, disastrous consequences. The situation in Iraq might not be quite so dire — and we might even have succeeded in stabilizing Afghanistan — if Mr. Bush or Vice President Dick Cheney had been willing to admit early on that things weren’t going well or that their handpicked appointees weren’t the right people for the job.
"The experience of Bush-style governance, together with revulsion at the way Karl Rove turned refusal to admit error into a political principle, is the main reason those now-famous three words from Mr. Edwards — “I was wrong” — matter so much to the Democratic base.
"The base is remarkably forgiving toward Democrats who supported the war. But the base and, I believe, the country want someone in the White House who doesn’t sound like another George Bush. That is, they want someone who doesn’t suffer from an infallibility complex, who can admit mistakes and learn from them.
"And there’s another reason the admission by Mr. Edwards that he was wrong is important. If we want to avoid future quagmires, we need a president who is willing to fight the inside-the-Beltway conventional wisdom on foreign policy, which still — in spite of all that has happened — equates hawkishness with seriousness about national security, and treats those who got Iraq right as somehow unsound. By admitting his own error, Mr. Edwards makes it more credible that he would listen to a wider range of views.
" Although she’s smart and sensible, she’s very much the candidate of the Beltway establishment — an establishment that has yet to come to terms with its own failure of nerve and judgment over Iraq. Still, she’s at worst a triangulator, not a megalomaniac; she’s not another Dick Cheney.
" For some reason Mrs. Clinton and her advisers have failed to grasp just how fed up the country is with arrogant politicians who can do no wrong. I don’t think she falls in that category; but her campaign somehow thought it was still a good idea to follow Karl Rove’s playbook, which says that you should never, ever admit to a mistake. And that playbook has led them into a political trap."
We have yet to hear from many in the media their apologies for backing the war with unseemly enthusiasm back in 2003. That's a subject for another blog.
For Krugman's entire and lengthy column go to Welcome to Pottersville blog, Jurassicpork
posted by jurassicpork @ 7:21 AM 7 comments links to this post
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Blizzard Soup
This morning, after 30 hours of snowfall, we peered through the door of our cabin and saw that it was possible to make an escape to the supermarket and replenish our dwindling stores. Last night Phil and K zoomed into our driveway in their husky snow plow truck and swept the snow out of the drive and into huge piles. Their visit gave us a chance to celebrate Valentine's Day. I filled large cups with hot coffee and served cake warm from the oven and iced with a pecan frosting. Kim liked the rose-colored fancy fur scarf I knitted for her in honor of St. Val, and all agreed on the cake's superior taste. I put that down to the eggs from Carol Thombs' chicken farm. Her birds live in a chicken palace--a warm and handsome barn with a big earthy yard outside where they can scratch and exercise to their hearts' content behind a fence that's safe from foxes.
Comparisons have been made, but I think The Storm of '07 didn't equal The Great Blizzard of '78 in intensity. . In that storm the wind's constant and frightening howling chilled the marrow in our bones. Little birds, hanging on to branches for dear life were blown sideways and sought out holes in a snow bank for protection. In this week's storm all we heard was the sound of silence. Everything was muffled. Nothing moved along the road, and now we could really see it, the amount of snow that fell was astounding. The snow clearing gangs left the roads lined with huge snow banks and up at the Montrose shopping district, mountains of the white stuff were everywhere.
We had just about used up our food by the time the driveway was cleared, but it's amazing what you can scrape up from the fridge and freezer. I magically produced omelets, French toast, BLTs (bacon and lettuce sandwiches), and baked potatoes --and we shared a Stouffer's tuna-noodle casserole. In the end, I scraped together a cauldron of blizzard soup--into which I threw just about everything I had--diced potatoes, carrots, lima beans, butter beans, celery, garlic, onions, herbs from Provence, broth made from chicken cubes, frozen corn on the cob and frozen leftover ham from one of Kim's dinners sometime ago. Paul pronounced the soup as jolly good and asked eagerly this evening if we were going to have the rest of it for dinner.
After shopping at Marc's supermarket for ourselves and Petsmart for Spot, Mimi, and Viola, we worked out that we had spent equal amounts at each place--$50 for us and the same for the cats. Their cans of Fancy Feast andtheir Iams dry food were perilously low, and they needed fresh litter for their boxes. Everything's okay now in Catsville. I looked for a soft cat carrier to take them to the vet for their shots. (One at a time). These are really neat with a zippered top that allows you to drop them through on their four feet instead of struggling to push them in through the door of the hard shell cat carrier. I didn't find quite what I wanted but online I saw a good one at the Petsmart website.
Everything seems back to normal now
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
"Decline and Fall of the Roman Myth" by Terry Jones
" We were ‘barbarians’, but early British civilisation outshone the Roman version, says ex-Python Terry Jones. We just lost the propaganda war.
"Nobody ever called themselves barbarians. It’s not that sort of word. It’s a word used about other people. It was used by the ancient Greeks to describe non-Greek people whose language they could not understand and who therefore seemed to babble unintelligibly: “ba ba ba”. The Romans adopted the Greek word and used it to label (and usually libel) the peoples who surrounded their own world."The Roman interpretation became the only one that counted, and the peoples whom they called Barbarians became for ever branded — be they Spaniards, Britons, Gauls, Germans, Scythians, Persians or Syrians. And, of course, “barbarian” has become a byword for the very opposite of everything that we consider civilised.
"The Romans kept the Barbarians at bay for as long as they could, but finally they were engulfed and the savage hordes overran the empire, destroying the cultural achievements of centuries. The light of reason and civilisation was almost snuffed out by the Barbarians, who annihilated everything that the Romans had put in place, sacking Rome itself and consigning Europe to the Dark Ages. The Barbarians brought only chaos and ignorance, until the renaissance rekindled the fires of Roman learning and art.
"It is a familiar story, and it’s codswallop...."
[To continue with Terry's article, follow londonbear's link in my blogroll ]
© Fegg Features Ltd and Sunstone Films 2006
From Terry Jones’ Barbarians by ex-Python Terry Jones and Alan Ereira to be published by BBC Books on May 18 at £18.99. The book is available for £17.09 including postage from The Sunday Times BooksFirst on 0870 165 8585. Terry Jones’ Barbarians begins on BBC2 on Friday May 26
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Hillary Made a Mistake When she Voted for the Iraq War: She Should Amit That
against the measure. If you follow Hillary's logic, it was these anti-war senators who were making the mistake at that time by voting against what she felt were plausible reasons for going to war. Hillary must own up to her error in judgment. If millions of us out here in the hinterlands could see from the get-go that invading a sovereign nation on pretexts was wrong, who looked at Colin Powell's aluminum tubes with disbelief, who understood that Saddam had no fangs, then she should have too. She's paid to know these things.
From Democrats.com:
"Although we spend a lot of time talking about what – and who – got us into this quagmire, let's take a moment to look at the names and the words of the Senators who defied bullying by Team Bush and had the wisdom and courage to vote "nay" on October 11, 2002.
"Here are the brave ones:
- Daniel Akaka (D-HI)
- Jeff Bingaman (D-NM)
- Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
- Robert Byrd (D-WV)
- Lincoln Chafee (R-RI)
- Kent Conrad (D-ND)
- Jon Corzine (D-NJ)
- Mark Dayton (D-MN)
- Richard Durbin (D-IL)
- Russell Feingold (D-WI)
- Robert Graham (D-FL)
- Daniel Inouye (D-HI)
- James Jeffords (I-VT)
- Edward Kennedy (D-MA)
- Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
- Carl Levin (D-MI)
- Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
- Patty Murray (D-WA)
- Jack Reed (D-RI)
- Paul Sarbanes (D-MD)
- Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)
- Paul Wellstone (D-MN)
- Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Friday, February 9, 2007
Seventy-fifth anniversary of "Frankenstein" film
From Arthur Silber's Once Upon a Time blog:
February 4, 2006
"Karloff, Gods and Monsters, and the Horrors of War
The NYT offers an interesting article about Boris Karloff, on the occasion of a film festival celebrating the 75th anniversary of "Frankenstein" and focusing on "the odd career of this unlikely star." Before Karloff and the movie that established his enduring fame fused themselves into our cultural subconscious, Karloff was only "a middle-aged, middlingly successful English character actor (born William Henry Pratt), skillful and professional enough to have appeared in dozens of pictures in the previous 15."Read on at link.....
Iraq Casualty Count by Michael White
Frankie Lane: 1913-2007
Statement from the family of Frankie Laine
February 6, 2007
We are saddened to announce the passing of Frankie Laine, musician, father, husband and friend. He died at 9:15 this morning from cardiovascular disease at age 93 in San Diego, surrounded by his loved ones.
Frankie led a long, exuberant life and contributed greatly to many causes near to his heart. He donated his time and talent to many San Diego charities and homeless shelters, as well as the Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul Village. He was also an emeritus member of the board of directors for the Mercy Hospital Foundation.
Born Francesco Paolo LoVecchio on March 30, 1913, he was one of the most successful American singers of the twentieth century. He charted more than 70 records – 21 of them gold – and achieved worldwide sales of more than 250 million discs. He will be forever remembered for the beautiful music he brought into this world, his wit and sense of humor, along with the love he shared with so many.
Frankie is survived by his wife Marcia; brother Phillip LoVecchio of Chicago, Illinois; daughter Pamela Donner and grandsons Joshua and David Donner of Sherman Oaks, California; and daughter and son-in-law Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Steiger of Couer D’Alene, Idaho.
We ask that you respect our privacy during this time. We thank you for caring about the life of Frankie Laine, a remarkable human being and musician who has left an indelible mark on the world.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
On his blog, James Wolcott says, "Self-Styled Siren has a marvelous tribute to John Ford's Arrowsmith, recently shown on TCM." I read it, and it's surprising. Arrowsmith has belonged to those long-forgotten films, and it's good to read Siren's tribute to it. Here's a snippet below.
"The film seems to grow more visually sophisticated as it progresses, though the Siren has no idea if it was shot in sequence. The superb, Metropolis-like views of New York give way to the the Caribbean islands and the most beautifully shot scenes in the movie, as a misty, Defoe-like procession of biers and mourners continually moves past the doorway of Arrowsmith and his wife. Later, there's an extraordinary shot of a doomed Helen Hayes sinking into a cane-back chair to smoke a cigarette, as light slants through a shutter and around her hair. Here Ford is already working out his vocabulary, and despite its many flaws, that is the best reason to see Arrowsmith."
Read the entire piece at Siren, now included on my blog roll. (Sinclair Lewis wrote the novel, and he too has been denigrated over the years. The reading group I'm in won't touch him with a ten-foot pole. Too bad).
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Lara Logan
Here's a link to Lara Logan who reports regularly from Iraq for CBS. She is talking to a pundit on the Washington Post.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Another Myth of Vietnam Applied to Iraq War:The Betrayal Narrative
Interesting post on this morning's Daily Kos considers the myths spawned by the Vietnam War. This is hardly unusual. Mythology from earlier wars has found itself perpetuated in novels, poems, movies, etc. Not hard to understand. Myths provide a comfort level to help explain the inexplicable. Read on...
"Those Who Blame America"
by Devilstower
Feb 04, 2007 at 06:02:23 PM PSTThis week NPR's On The Media featured Jerry Lembcke, whose book The Spitting Image helped debunk the myth that Vietnam vets were widely reviled on their return to the United States. The primary purpose of Lembcke's visit was to fend off similar stories now being built by those who want to vilify opposition to Bush policy in Iraq.
But while the initial focus of the story was on spitting then and now, another myth of Vietnam also got some air time, and in its long-term effect, this one is far more important than whether or not anyone was ever struck by a loogie. If it took ten years after the end of the war for the first stories of spitting to emerge, it took a similar amount of time for this other myth to solidify in the public mind: we could have won, if we'd only kept up support at home. This is the betrayal narrative, and it comes in the form of a hundred statements starting with "if only."
If only the protesters hadn't undermined our will...
If only the press hadn't turned on our troops...
If only we'd sent in more men, spent more money, exerted more will...
In many ways, this is the central narrative of the modern conservative movement. Rarely voiced in "mixed company," but often voiced at right wing gatherings. If only the left had not betrayed us, we would have won Vietnam. All the "embolden" statements the right is pushing today are only variations on this theme of the left's Original Sin.
On the Media: Why are we so prepared to believe that these were commonplace incidents in the Vietnam era?
Lembcke: Well, it's a face-saving device. It helps construct an alibi, the alibi being that we beat ourselves, that we were defeated on the home front, and that we -- the most powerful nation on earth -- was not defeated by this small upstart nation of Asian "others."
It's always been clear that those who call themselves conservatives today have only a token relationship to the political movement that operated under that name previous to 1980. And this is the difference: today's conservatives aren't united by a theme of limiting spending or concerns over changes in our society. Their real heart is a festering ball of bruised ego.
The big irony is that the right, having refused to accept the facts on the ground, has instead created a mythology that requires traitors in the heartland. Though they so often point at the left as willing to "blame America," the whole mindset of those in support of the action in Iraq requires that they blame Americans, both then and now, for the failures of bad strategy, miserable planning and sorry execution.
The war in Iraq was supposed to be their vindication, proof that enough bombs could bring flowers. Proven wrong, their reaction is to create an even more vile narrative in this cycle. The right doesn't just blame America first, they blame Americans first, last, and only for every mistake they've made. Now, bolstered by the myths they've built since the end of Vietnam, not only are right wing pundits spreading lies about protesters at home, right wing politicians are willing to denounce reasoned objection with terms just short of treason. In insisting that there must be a threat to American democracy at home, the right has done more than just build a mythology around this theme, they've created that enemy. And they only have to look in a mirror to find him.
Moose: More On Spitting
What I do want is an end to this ghastly war that's causing hundreds of deaths of innocents every week, and by extension or ripple effect, ruining the lives of every living relative and friend of those who have died. Included among those innocents are our own soldiers--most of whom come from small, impoverished towns and whose educators taught them not to think for themselves but to mindlessly salute the flag and never question whether their country is right or wrong. The billions of dollars going into this war every week could have built a rapid transit service for every town and city in the U.S.A. Or, it could have funded a national health system competitive with the best of those of all our western allies.
War enthusiast and compulsive liar, Dick Cheney, received five deferments to keep himself from serving in Vietnam. He has been quoted as saying "I had better things to do." His agility in dodging that long ago war is impressive. When it finally appeared that he would be drafted he married Lynne in just a few days and by doing so got another deferment.
Collapse comments
- Moose said...
Sounds as if you would like to spit in the face of returning Iraq war veterans after all the heinious crimes they committed. In fact since as you say the VVs who also committed crimes were not spat on now is the time to go for it. Make it a two for one deal-Go get em Duke!
January 29, 2007 8:29 PM
- Anonymous said...
The circumstances of which you know little were not carried out by large groups of protesters. When they occured it was by individuals or small clusters of people who did not support the war and choose to show there displeasure when ever they found a troop. Personnaly never happened to me but then again I didn't wander around in uniform either - not afraid of the REMF's just didn't to be hassled by the dipsticks.
Doc - class of 68/69January 31, 2007 1:09 AM
Sunday, February 4, 2007
A New and Wonderful "Lassie"

Saturday, February 3, 2007
John Pilger on Chavez in The Guardian
13 May 2006 | |
I have spent the past three weeks filming in the hillside barrios of Caracas, in streets and breeze-block houses that defy gravity and torrential rain and emerge at night like fireflies in the fog. Other John Pilger articles about Hugo Chavez America's new enemy |
"So what makes Biden 'mainstream'?"
I'm lazily quoting today instead of being original. But Kos's comments are on target. Joe Biden has been savaged, and rightly so, for his remarks a few days ago (I'm paraphrasing) that Barak Obama is the first mainstream black presidential candidate who is articulate and clean.
So what makes Biden "mainstream"?
Kos on Daily KosSat Feb 03, 2007 at 09:27:18 AM PST
Jay Carney is Time's Washington Bureau Chief. It's instructive to see what his definition of "mainstream" is:
CARNEY (1/31/07): What Biden was saying, and this is Biden’s fault for not being clear in what he was saying in this interview, is that there hasn’t been a candidate, a viable African-American candidate with all those qualities in one.
MATTHEWS: And mainstream.
CARNEY: Who is mainstream.
MATTHEWS: Mainstream is the key to me.
CARNEY: Who didn’t come from the civil rights movement, you know, who came up through elected office, who wasn’t, you know, simply a boutique or fringe candidate...
Martin Luther King? He wouldn't have been "mainstream" because he came up via the civil rights movement. Nor Jesse Jackson, even though he won 11 states and 6.9 million votes in 1988. Being part of the civil rights movement is immediate disqualification for being "mainstream" in Carney's world. Carol Moseley Braun doesn't qualify as "mainstream" because, while being Senator of the nation's fifth largest state, she was a "boutique" or "fringe" candidate.
The big irony about all of this is that by this definition, Biden himself isn't a "mainstream" candidate.
Why would he? He's by all rights a "boutique" candidate. The largest number of votes he's ever won is 165,465 in his 1996 Delaware Senate race (Moseley Braun got 2.6 million votes in her Illinois Senate victory in 1992). In all polls, he's in the low single digits. Unlike Jesse Jackson, Biden has never won a primary.
So what makes Biden a "mainstream" candidate?
The fact that he's white, apparently. Because if he was black, Carney and Biden and Matthews would clearly all agree that he wouldn't be "mainstream".